Pre-Marriage Prep Course

We're thrilled that you're considering The Cairn’s pastor for your wedding celebration! Our aim is to serve your needs as we uphold the beauty and reverence of marriage. But beyond that, we're here to support you in building a strong marriage as you start this new journey together. We hope this time will be filled with experiencing God's love through Jesus Christ, whether it's a new discovery or a deeper connection.

Christians cherish the sacred bond of marriage. The Book of Alternative Services for the Anglican Church says it beautifully:

“Marriage is a gift of God and a means of God’s grace. It is a way of life that all should reverence, and none should lightly undertake.”

With that in mind, we welcome everyone to join our marriage preparation, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey. Please work through the videos together as a couple, make it a fun date night even, prior to meeting up with our pastor in person or over the phone to discuss what you learned and how to take next steps.